Friday, February 16, 2007

Family Story

For homework, we had to write about a family story.

I think that out of all of my relatives, my Uncle Ken is the funniest. He tells my cousins and I all of his adventures throughout his life. You see, he was a major delinquent. Some of the things he did were so stupid; you just have to laugh. But, one thing he did would have gotten him into so much trouble if my mom and auntie weren’t there to bail him out.
When my auntie was young, she had a job at a convenience store. One day, she was going to pick up her paycheck, when my mom and uncle decided to come along. As my uncle was looking through the store, he spotted a magazine that he absolutely needed. Even though he had the money to pay for it, he decided to steal it because it would be more thrilling. As my mom and her siblings were about to leave the store, a security guard came up to my uncle and said, “Come with me, I saw what you did.” The reason why he got caught is because he moved his head back and forth over and over again, making sure nobody would see him take the magazine. When the security guard said these words, my mom and auntie were in shock. The security guard told them that my uncle stole a magazine, and had to go to the police station. My auntie defended him and said, “You can’t do that, he’s my brother.” The security guard thought for a while, and replied, “Well, since you work here, Karen, we won’t take Ken to the station. But, he does have to pay for the magazine he took. Make sure this never happens again, OK?” The moral of this story is that you shouldn't steal, because if you get caught, you’ll get into a ton of trouble. My uncle was very lucky he learned his lesson about stealing early. If he didn’t get caught, who knows? He could have become a criminal.

1 comment:

andrew said...

hey seems you have lots of episodes between family members =]
This is Andrew from Korea International School. Nice to meet you and lets keep on commenting each other :D